The Power of makeup

I honestly always wanted to know what my face would look like with freckles. I think they are so unique and special. So I did a little makeover.

I love these days where you can just play around. For someone who is not the biggest makeup guru…i’m really proud how natural it looked.



Et voilá.

This happened.

This is all the equipment I used.


I used : 1x brown pencil

1x black pencil

and brown eyeshadow


Walk a mile in my shorts


The shorts that got me in trouble. I had a very interesting incident that inspired my blog post today. I thought if i could address this lady i’d say the following thing:

Dear Miss/Mrs.Super Feminist,

Today, you were passing by on your bike where you saw me walking on a sidewalk of a wide open street. You obviously, saw something you did not like. I guess you thought it was appropriate to point out in public that they could nearly see my butt cheeks. I smiled and I was trying to explain that my shorts were pulling up. I actually wanted to thank you. However, you did not let me talk and preached about how no one will respect me if I do not. Then you went on and told me that just because I am pretty I can not show off everything I have. And then you left. Miss/Mrs. Super Feminist, have you noticed that I carried heavy load (A giant suitcase, a guitar and a handbag)? Did you know that I have been walking around for an hour and I was really tired? Did you know that I came back from a physiotherapy session were I had to wear shorts in order to examine my knee? Did you know that this knee really hurt after an hour and I was not able to call a cab? And did you know that I realised that my shorts were really short (sadly way too late) and walked fast?- I guess you didn’t because pointing out that they can nearly see my butt cheeks was more important. If you ever read this post I want you to know the following thing: How about instead of pointing at each other we support each other? How about we take each other’s load off and look past distractions ? It’s called Christ-like love by the way as I noticed you like to preach. Now I am not writing this because I think it was wrong pointing out that my shorts showed too much. I absolutely agree. But you can’t put me in the “pretty -girl- box” and justify my behaviour with that. I’m telling you that every woman should have some self-respect no matter if you find them pretty, ugly, fat, anorexic or whatever. There is no exception. And you need to understand that people are different. Even if they don’t dress the way I like or you like- guess what it is none of your business. I don’t know about you but the next time I ride my bike and see someone struggling with heavy load- I either help them or mind my freaking business.

Sincerely yours, Faith


This is me and my best friend.We couldn’t be more different from the outside. The reason why our friendship works is because we don’t point out each other’s flaws but encourage each other to look an be the best we can be. And that’s how it should be. Ladies i know that comparison is a daily dilemma but it’s definitely the end of your happiness. So how about the next time you point out a woman’s flaw maybe realise that there might be something wrong with you.

Check Jenny’s View for more photography!!

Why I will never support interracial dating

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Love is Love


I can’t and I won’t. The comments I see under pictures from interracial couples make me cringe. When I read “swirl on” I feel like throwing up.Like do you put a black and a white person in a pot an just mix them? OH HELL NO. And to top it off I saw a book on how to attract any white guy. This world should end…51mmeczkqjl-_ac_ul320_sr214320_

No, I am not ignorant. And I don’t just date “my people”. I think dating outside your culture is a matter of comfort. Some people feel better around their people and some people don’t care and mingle like me. And that is okay. Now if you don’t feel comfortable around your own people it is a problem. But that is none of my business.



Anyways, I have always been open to dating whoever I want and so I did. But recently I was told I need to get myself a “brother”. I have no problem dating a “brother “ but I do not appreciate being told who I should date or not.

And the worst thing I have seen are these.

I’m not going to lie – I had a good laugh too.

But on second thought-This is everything what is wrong with our society. Media has become one of the reasons “Jennifers” and “Billys” won’t even look at us and “Shantioniques” and “Tyrones” have turned against each other.

In conclusion: Stop portraying my people like they can’t be tamed!

First of all I did what any normal person would do and googled both of the names. Unfortunately, I did not find a real Shantoinique but I found a woman with the nickname and she does music and photography and is very talented. I also found a Tyrone who is a professor in an university. Moreover, I knew a Jennifer in school who was crazy  and let’s say “easy”  but sure looked like the one in the picture. Now I don’t know how these people are in their private life but what I do know is that we can’t make assumptions out of stupid prejudice. There is no such thing as a typical black male or female and if that is what you think…well then you are part of the problem.

And it is the same with interracial dating. People always look for an “ideal” to make an understanding of something. I feel like interracial dating has become and ideal. When has “black love” become something negative? And my main issue is that interracial dating as portrayed in media is a “thing”. When I date Tyrone nobody cares but when I date Blue Eye Billy it is the biggest thing.

“The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that.” Woody Allen

I’d like to look into the future knowing that one day interracial dating will be just dating because love is love.

But unfortunately, we have been told we are too different.  We run around with our labels that prevent us from seeing someone for who they really are.

I support difference. It is beauty to me. But I will never support an ideal or a perfect human being.

So Swirl page and blackpeoplematch – don’t you ever send me an Instagram invitation again. I will happily block you!



But I do love my hair !

IMG_7707 (1).jpgHonestly I do. I knew I loved my natural hair since I was little. I loved styling and playing with it. However, for a long time i thought wearing a weave was the norm something I had to do cause -everyone does it right? But that’s like saying everyone drinks. The majority does. Not everyone. Don’t get me wrong i love a good extension in my hair. I love looking different and i love changing my hairstyle which is why I love wearing a weave now and then. What i don’t like is the comments between the woman that wears her hair natural and the woman that chooses to wear a weave or someone like me who likes both and does not understand what the hell is going on. So this is me telling both of you girls to sit down, take several seats, listen up:

Dear Natural,


I honestly applaud you. Our hair is not easy to handle. It is not easy looking at youtube videos  while getting the hair style right. It is not easy finding the right product for your hair type. It is not easy when media tells you that your hair looks “unprofessional”. But I admire you. I honestly would love to go more often natural but at the moment I am simply too lazy.

But here is the thing- I do love my hair.

I love the texture, the bouncing, the compliments I get when I got that youtube summer look right. I choose to look different not because I am insecure but because I love how different I can look. So don’t tell me I don’t love my hair cause I am wearing a weave or a wig.

Dear Weave/Wig /relaxed woman,



I think you are really cool.You can rock every hairstyle you want. It is so empowering that you can choose to put whatever you want on your head. I remember when I grew up as a teenager in Germany and my friends would see my new hair and ask “Is that really you?”. I loved it.

But listen up.

Don’t you ever even dare think your natural hair looks rough. People are going to hate either way. There is nothing wrong with admitting this is not your hair or this is a wig. I had so called “friends” in Germany who thought extensions are soooo unnatural and fake even though the hair most of the time blends in perfectly. Do you wake up with fresh make up everyday? I don’t think so.

Because it is not natural.

Just know the difference between looking fake and something not natural. Love your weave but love your natural hair too. It is who you are.

So just remember. At the end of the day all of you will still put that silk scarf on your head.

Seriously, If you don’t start now.


Some terminology for you who doesn’t know what I am saying:

Weave: A hairstyle that helps insert extensions. First you do a cornrow pattern. Then you sow the hair on your head and you can create all sorts of hairstyles.

Relaxed hair: A type of cream that helps straighten curly and afro hair. 

Natural: Usually afro hair but it also includes braids, twists and other hairstyles.

Photography by Jenny’s view

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